Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I love the fresh start of a new year, but usually my resolutions are cliches: lose weight, eat better, stretch more, blah, blah, blah...

Not this time.  2010 started me on this path to authenticity.  I know, it's an overused word.  What I mean by it is this: I'm going to be true to me.  I've spent nearly forty years trying really hard to be what others expect, letting little bits of me peek out here and there.  This last year, though, I started to let more and more out and found that people still liked me.  Sweet freedom! 

Here are my resolutions:

  • Stop overthinking EVERYTHING. Start trusting my gut.
  • Write EVERY DAY. Send out query letters.  Freelance more. Find a literary agent by the end of the year.
  • Paint, draw, collage, CREATE something new - weekly.
  • Get organized.  Don't worry if it doesn't look like what others expect organized to look like.
  • Dance.  Even if no one else is.
  • Spend time with people that fascinate me.  Beware.
  • Wear more color.  This does not mean that I'm giving up the black, so don't get too excited. 
 Happy holidays!