Sunday, October 3, 2010


Change That - Teach Someone to Read
Thirteen years ago I lived in a tiny duplex close to the train depot here in Boise. My only neighbor was a single mother of a beautiful two-year-old girl.

One day, as I was hauling a load of groceries from my car, I noticed them sitting on their front stoop looking through a large picture book.

"Is your mommy reading a nice book to you?" I asked the toddler, who just smiled.

"Oh, I can't read," my neighbor said.

At first, I started to laugh. Then I realized she was dead serious. I promised to teach her, but she said,"It's okay - it's not important."


I tried to explain that reading was THE most important skill anyone could have, but she never took me up on my offer.

My daughter is a new reader and every word she points out to me is a gift. Words are magic. Words have taught me to cook, to replace a carburetor, to tie a necktie, to do my taxes. I remember the pride I felt when I was allowed to check out chapter books while the rest of the kids were only allowed little kid books. Words gave me a sense of self and made me special. Words have broken my heart and words have made me fall in love.

The only way to create a better existence is through education, whether you're teaching conservation or peace, and one of the best ways to reach others is through the written word. My life changed the day my father taught me to sound out words.  Listening to Rhiannon read brings me an infinite amount of joy.

If I were granted one wish to change the world, it would be global literacy.  I'm pretty sure the rest would work itself out if the world's people were able to read and understand.

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